Live Events

At Brigandi Caserta Vintage (BC Vintage), we believe that education is key in the world of collecting and investing. As experts in the industry, we are committed to sharing our knowledge and expertise with collectors.

One of the ways we fulfill this commitment is through our live events held throughout the year in Manhattan, NYC. These events provide a unique opportunity for individuals to come together and engage in discussions about current events in the industry. Additionally, we invite guest speakers who are experts in their respective fields to educate collectors.

Our live events are not your typical trade shows and sales-focused gatherings. Instead, they are designed to be informative, educational, and enjoyable experiences for like-minded collectors. We believe that by creating a relaxed and pressure-free environment, attendees can fully immerse themselves in the love of the hobby.

During these events, we cover a wide range of topics, including the significance of specific items, market predictions, authentication process, and investment potential of certain pieces. Our goal is to provide collectors with valuable insights and knowledge that can enhance their collecting journey.

By attending our live events, you will have the opportunity to learn from captains of the industry, engage in thought-provoking discussions, and expand your network of fellow collectors. Whether you are a seasoned collector or just starting out, our live events offer a platform for you to deepen your understanding of the hobby and connect with others who share your passion.

At BC Vintage, we are proud to be more than just an ecommerce store. We are a community of collectors and enthusiasts who are dedicated to preserving history, curating history, and sharing our expertise. Join us at our next live event and embark on a journey of knowledge, connection, and discovery.